Brian Strom, a senior member of the Leonard Davis Institute also notes that Pharmaceutical companies need to stop focusing so much on competitive marketing and start focusing more on providing and advertising drugs that have more benefits than their competitors. This focus is called comparative effectiveness. The problem with comparative effectiveness is that it requires costly clinical trial data that in the end might not turn out in the companies favor. If the data shows that this new drug is just as effective as what is in the market now or maybe even worse then the company is back to square one.
No matter what the drug companies do now they will have to change their model in the near future in order to say competitive and profitable in the changing domestic and world market. Companies should look to biotech companies for the most innovative new products and invest in different drugs that can top the ones already out there instead of making an almost identical drug and then making the most profit through their marketing techniques. The next few years will be critical for the bug pharma companies and it will be interesting to see how they adapt to the changing drug climate.